Legal Services
$0 $0 IVAI
Advising parties in conflict in order to resolve different types of legal issues.
Why are legal services important?
Legal services are important because they provide legal advice and representation to individuals and companies in Costa Rica. This services are fundamental to ensure the compliance to the laws and regulations, as well as to protects the rights and intrests of the person. The lawerys of the PredictaBill teama re in charge of offering legal solutions to their clients.
Do you need trust worthy legal advice?
When a client requires legal advice from PredictaBill in Costa Rica, is because they need legal advice and representation in different areas. Our company counts on a team of lawyers highly qualified and an extensive experience in the legal costarrican system, which allows us to provide effective and personalized solutions to the legal needs of our clients. In PredictaBill we are compromised in offering a service of quality and trustworthy, guaranteeing the advocacy of the rights and interests of our clients.
Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures
Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.
Alternative to hourly billing
Fixed rate regardless of product/service

Efficiency in notarial processes
Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures
Essential Documents
Some of our products and services may require the submission of specific documents prior to delivery. These documents may vary depending on the type of service and applicable law. Our team will conduct a thorough check of the documents provided to ensure that they meet the necessary requirements. This is critical to ensuring the legality and compliance of our operations. At PredictaBill, we are committed to providing you with high-quality services, and document verification is integral to this commitment.
Terms and conditions
The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply
1. What are the legal services offered by PredictaBill in Costa Rica?
PredictaBill offers a wide range of legal services in Costa Rica, including legal advice, drafting of contracts, notary procedures, among others.
2. What is the experience and expertise of PredictaBill’s legal team?
PredictaBill’s legal team has extensive experience and expertise in various areas of law, such as corporate law, labor law, real estate law, civil law, among others. Our lawyers are highly trained to provide quality legal advice.
3. What is the process of hiring PredictaBill’s legal services?
To hire our legal services, simply contact us through our website, email or telephone. Our team will schedule an initial meeting to evaluate your case and provide you with a personalized service proposal.
4. What is PredictaBill’s fee policy?
Our fee policy is based on the complexity and scope of each case. Once your case has been evaluated, we will provide you with a detailed legal fee quote. We strive to offer competitive and transparent rates.
5. How does PredictaBill ensure the confidentiality of client information?
At PredictaBill, we take the confidentiality of our clients’ information very seriously. We have security measures and protocols in place to protect confidential information. In addition, all of our attorneys and staff are bound by confidentiality agreements.