Dismissal Letters

$160 $181 IVAI

Preparation of a letter of dismissal to terminate an employment relationship. Estimated Delivery Time / 1 day

Why are Dismissal Letters necessary?

Dismissal Letters are required in Costa Rica to formalize the termination of an employment relationship by the employer. These letters provide official notification to the worker of their termination.

Need help with Dismissal Letters?

When a client requires the service of Dismissal Letters in Costa Rica, it is because they need to end the employment relationship with one of their workers legally and properly. This service is essential to ensure that the dismissal is carried out per the procedure established by Costa Rican law. PredictaBill takes care of drafting these Dismissal Letters professionally and accurately, ensuring that all the necessary elements are included and the established legal requirements are met.

Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures

Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.

  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    Employee’s information:

    • Full name
    • ID number (ID, passport, DIMEX)
    • Civil status
    • Domicile

    Employer’s information:

    • Full name
    • ID number (ID, passport, DIMEX)
    • Civil status
    • Domicile

    If a company, Confirm:

    • Corporate name
    • Corporate ID number
    • Power under which the representative acts (legal representative with full and unlimited power of attorney, general proxy, special agent, manager)
      • Full name
      • ID number and type (personal ID, passport, DIMEX)
      • Civil status
      • Domicile

    Confirm severance amount and other termination benefits.

    Confirm if there will be a pretermination period.

    Confirm employment end date.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What is a Dismissal Letter and when is it used?

    The Dismissal Letter is a legal document used to formally notify an employee that their employment relationship has been terminated. Regardless of the cause that causes the termination of the employment relationship, by the employer.

    2. What are the most common reasons for using a Dismissal Letter?

    The main reason for using a Dismissal Letter is the need for the employer to terminate the employment relationship.

    3. What are the legal requirements for a valid Dismissal Letter?

    It is important that the Dismissal Letter must contain the information of the employer and the worker and that it is duly signed by a representative of the employer. In addition, it must indicate under what assumption of the Labor Code the dismissal is protected, and the effective date of the dismissal.

    4. Is it necessary to have legal advice to prepare a Dismissal Letter?

    It is always advisable to have legal advice when preparing a Dismissal Letters, as it is a document that can have significant legal implications. PredictaBill can ensure that the charter complies with all legal requirements and protects the company’s interests.

    5. What rights does the employee have upon receiving a Dismissal Letter?

    It is a guarantee and proof held by the worker that the employment relationship has ended, with the due indication of when the dismissal will take effect