Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement

$350 $396 IVAI

Preparation of quota assignment agreement for Limited Liability Companies or purchase and sale of shares for Corporations. Estimated Delivery Time / 1-3 days

Why is Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement important?

The Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement is executed when the shareholders of a corporation or the quota holders of a limited liability company, want to sell part or all of their participation in a company, this being a third person or to their partners of the company. Signing a quota assignment or share purchase agreement it is key to protect the interests of the parties involved in the transaction. Is the ideal instrument to document the terms of a business; including price, payment form, and the basic conditions that both the buyer and the seller must comply with for the purchase to materialize.

Do you need a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement ?

When a client requires the legal services of PredictaBill for the elaboration of a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement in Costa Rica, is because they are interested in the transfer of shares in a company. This type of agreement is necessary to formalize and regulate said transactions, establishing the rights and obligations of the parties involved, as well as the terms and conditions of the operation.

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  • Alternative to hourly billing

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    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    • Corporate name of the company in which the shares, participations, and other interests are sold or transferred.
    • About the buyer/transferor and the seller/assignee (as applicable):
      • Full name
      • Identity card or passport
      • Marital status
      • Address
      • Confirm if the buyer/transferor and the seller/assignee (as applicable) are entities (corporations, LLCs, NGOs, Trusts, etc.). If they are, please confirm the corporate name, ID, and the person who will sign on their behalf.
    • Copy of the corporate books. Once the documents have been drafted, the originals will be required.
    • Copy of the bylaws.
    • Sale/assignment price and quantity of shares/participations that are sold/assigned.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What is a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement ?

    A quota assignment or share purchase agreement is a legal document used to document the transfer of ownership of quotas in a Limited Liability Company and shares in a Corporation.

    2. What are the requirements to execute a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement ?

    To execute a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement , it is necessary to have the authorization of the general meeting of quotaholders o shareholders, to comply with specific requirements established in the bylaws of the company whose shares are to be transferred, and to comply with other requirements established in Costa Rican law. In addition, both parties must agree on the terms and conditions of the transfer. Additionally, certain basic information is needed from both the buyer and the seller; including, full name, whether an individual or an entity, identification number, either identity card or passport in the case of individuals, or legal identity card when the parties involved are entities.

    3. What is the difference between a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement?

    The main difference between a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement lies in the type of company in which the transfer is made. In a limited liability company, quotas are assigned, while in a corporation, shares are bought and sold.

    4. What are the legal implications of a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement ?

    A Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement implies that the buyer acquires the political and economic rights, as well as the obligations associated with the quotas or shares transferred. This includes the right to receive dividends, participate in the company’s decisions, and assume legal and financial responsibilities.

    5. Is it necessary to register a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement ?

    In Costa Rica it is not mandatory to register a Quota assignment or Share Purchase Agreement with any public or private entity. It is a private document to which only the buyer and the seller, and the other parties authorized by them, may have access. However, it is highly advisable to sign a contract of this type, not only to define the terms of the business and thus avoid discussions between the parties but also to have documentary support of the transaction, since it could be the case that the buyer and the seller, as well as the other parties authorized by them, may have access to it.