Wage Garnishment calculations

$160 $181 IVAI

Advice on day-to-day calculations of the employment relationship.

Why are Wage Garnishment calculations important?

Wage Garnishment calculations are important in the legal field in Costa Rica because they allow for determining the amount of money that can be garnished from a person's wages for the payment of debts or legal liabilities. This service provided by PredictaBill is essential to guarantee a fair and equitable process, both for creditors and debtors, since it is based on current legislation and the amounts established by the competent authorities. Furthermore, these calculations help to avoid abuses and ensure that financial obligations are properly fulfilled.

Do you need to calculate the Wage Garnishment ?

When a client requires PredictaBill's Wage Garnishment calculation service in Costa Rica, they are usually in a situation where they need to know the exact amount that can be garnished from their wages due to a debt or legal obligation. This service is especially useful for those who are facing legal processes related to garnishments and need to have an accurate estimate of how much money they could lose from their salary monthly. PredictaBill is in charge of making the corresponding calculations, taking into account the laws and regulations in force in Costa Rica, to provide the clients with the necessary information and help them make informed decisions regarding their financial situation.

Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures

Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.

  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    Confirm employee’s information:

    • Full name
    • ID number (personal ID, passport, DIMEX)
    • Civil status
    • Domicile

    Indicate gross and net salary.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What are Wage Garnishment calculations?

    Wage garnishment calculations are the calculation that allows us to calculate and manage wage garnishments efficiently and accurately. Guaranteed legal certainty for the worker who will suffer the garnishment, and for the employer who will be responsible for withholding the garnishable portion of salary.

    2. What is the process for calculating a Wage Garnishment ?

    The process for calculating a Wage Garnishment with PredictaBill is simple. You only need to provide the necessary information, first of all, it is essential to review the resolution that orders the Wage Garnishment, as well as a breakdown of the wages earned by the worker to whom the garnishment will be applied.

    3. How long does the Wage Garnishment calculation process take?

    The time required to calculate a wage garnishment can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the availability of the required information. However, in most cases, our team can provide the results within 1 to 3 business days.

    4. What information do I need to provide to use PredictaBill’s service?

    To use our wage garnishment calculation service, you will need to provide information such as the resolution that decrees the wage garnishment, as well as a breakdown of the worker’s salary that will be subject to garnishment.

    5. What is the cost of using PredictaBill Wage Garnishment calculations?

    The cost of using our service may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the additional services you may require. We recommend you contact our team for a personalized and detailed quote of the costs associated with your specific case.