Municipal Permit

$300 $339 IVAI

Management of commercial patent before the corresponding Municipality. Estimated Delivery Time / 2-3 weeks depending on the Municipality

Why are Municipal Permits important?

Law # 7247 and Article 79 of the Municipal Code, establishes that any entity or individual that develops lawful activities for profit in Costa Rica must obtain a Municipal Permit (Commercial Patent) and pay a tax. The application is submitted once to the corresponding Municipality. No additional periodic filing is required for this permit, other than paying the tax annually.

How to get a Municipal Permit?

When a client requires the services of PredictaBill to acquire a Municipal Permit in Costa Rica, it is because they want to develop for-profit activities. Our company has a team of lawyers specialized in the matter, who will provide a personalized and efficient service to guarantee the obtaining of this essential permit to operate.

Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures

Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.

  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    Confirm the following information of the party interested in obtaining the patent:

    • Full name
    • Copy of ID
    • Civil status
    • Domicile
    • Fax
    • Email

    If a company, Confirm:

    • Corporate name
    • Corporate ID
    • Domicile
    • Fax
    • Email

    Power under which the representative acts (legal representative with full and unlimited power of attorney, general agent, special proxy):

    • Full name
    • Copy of ID (ID, passport, DIMEX)
    • Civil status
    • Domicile

    Confirm information of the property’s owner:

    • Full name
    • Copy of ID
    • Civil status
    • Domicile
    • Fax
    • Email

    If a company, Confirm:

    • Corporate name
    • Corporate ID
    • Domicile
    • Fax
    • Email

    Power under which the person who acts as a representative acts (legal representative with full and unlimited power of attorney, general proxy, special proxy):

    • Full name
    • Copy of ID (ID, passport, DIMEX)
    • Civil status
    • Domicile

    Confirm activity or business that will be developed at the property. Send a copy of the Sanitary Operating Permit. Number of employees. Location of the premises (exact address). Municipality in charge. Registered property number before the National Registry (if known). If not, confirm the name of the registered owner.

    Please consider that each Municipality has the authority to vary the requirements; therefore, additional information may be requested.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. Who grants Municipal Permits in Costa Rica?

    In Costa Rica, the Municipalities are responsible for granting Municipal Permits to carry out commercial activities in the country.

    2. What requirements must be met to obtain a Municipal Permit?

    By virtue of municipal autonomy, the forms and requirements for obtaining the Municipal Permit may vary between municipalities, according to their legislation and administrative provisions. However, the following are the common requirements to apply for a Municipal Permit: i) Copy of the operating permit, where applicable, according to the General Regulations for the Granting of Sanitary Operating Permits of the Ministry of Health, Executive Decree No. 34728-S. and its amendments, ii) The applicant and owner of the property must be up to date with the payment of their municipal taxes, (ii) Land use, which, according to the Urban Planning Act and the Municipal Code, is granted by the municipality itself.

    3. What are the consequences of operating a business without a Municipal Permit in Costa Rica?

    Operating a business without a Municipal Permit in Costa Rica can have legal and financial consequences. Some of the possible consequences include fines and penalties and the closure of the business.

    4. What is the difference between a Municipal Permit and a Sanitary Operating Permit in Costa Rica?

    The Municipal Permit authorizes the business to operate in a specific location and is related to compliance with local and zonal requirements; while the Sanitary Operating Permit is a permit that ensures that the business complies with the specific regulations and requirements related to its activity. To obtain a patent, generally, the Sanitary Operating Permit must first be obtained. Both documents are essential to legally operate a business in Costa Rica.

    5. What happens if my business changes location or makes modifications to its operations after obtaining a Municipal Permit in Costa Rica?

    If your business changes location or makes significant modifications to its operations after obtaining a municipal patent in Costa Rica, you must generally notify the appropriate municipality. The actions to be taken, in addition to updating the patent before the corresponding Municipality, may include the fulfillment of additional requirements, since depending on the nature of the changes, it is possible that you must comply with additional requirements. Likewise, in cases of change of location, it is imperative to have a land use that guarantees that the new location is suitable according to local planning regulations to carry out the desired business.