Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney
$30 $34 IVAI
Notarized certification of the company’s current bylaws and powers of attorney. These certifications are usually required for certain procedures before public entities and banks. Estimated Delivery Time / 1 day
Why is certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney important?
The Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney that guarantees the validity and legality of the bylaws of a company incorporated in Costa Rica, as well as the powers granted by it that appear in the National Registry. This certification provides legal certainty as it ensures that the statutes and powers of attorney have been duly registered and comply with the legal requirements established in the country. In addition, this certification facilitates the completion of legal and administrative procedures.
Do you need to certify your company's Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney?
When a client requires the service of Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney, it is generally because such certification is required by an authority or by a private subject due to the commercial relations that may have with the client. These documents are essential for carrying out legal procedures, such as opening bank accounts, participating in tenders or signing contracts. PredictaBill is responsible for providing this service, ensuring the authenticity and validity of the company's bylaws and powers of attorney, which provides trust and security to both customers and the entities with which it interacts.
Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures
Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.
Alternative to hourly billing
Fixed rate regardless of product/service

Efficiency in notarial processes
Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures
Terms and conditions
The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply
1. What is the Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney?
The Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney allows the validation and authentication of a company’s fundamental legal documents, such as the Articles of Association and the Powers of Attorney granted to its legal representatives or attorneys-in-fact.
2. What is the importance of obtaining the Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney?
TheCertification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney guarantees the legality and validity of the documents that support the existence and operation of a company, such as the articles of association and the powers granted to its legal representatives or attorneys-in-fact. This certification is required in various legal procedures, such as opening bank accounts, participating in public tenders and entering into commercial agreements.
3. How do I obtain the Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney?
In order to obtain the Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney, it is necessary that these bylaws and the powers granted to their legal representatives or attorneys-in-fact are registered with the National Registry.
4. How long does it take to obtain the Certification of Articles of Association and Powers of Attorney?
The time required to obtain the certification of articles of association and powers of attorney may vary depending on the complexity of the articles of association and the powers granted to your legal representatives or attorneys-in-fact. However, in general, this process can take between one and two business days.