
$200 $226 IVAI

Marriage and registration in the Civil Registry.

How does PredictaBill offer the notarized service of marriage granting?

In Costa Rica, Public Notaries are authorized to perform marriages throughout the country. The corresponding act is recorded in its protocol and subsequently, the Public Notary must send within eight days following the celebration of the marriage, an authorized copy of said act and certain documents to the Civil Registry for its proper registration. PredictaBill is responsible for providing accurate and up-to-date information on the legal requirements and procedures necessary to get married in Costa Rica, as well as granting the corresponding marriage certificate, in the place that the grantors decide, guaranteeing throughout the process that the legal requirements are met.

Need help planning your marriage?

When a client requires legal services for the granting of a marriage, he or she has made the decision, with his or her partner, to establish such a bond under the terms established by the Family Code. Likewise, a client may require legal advice and representation on issues related to marriage. In addition, clients can also turn to PredictaBill for information and advice on the legal requirements for marriage in Costa Rica.

Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures

Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.

  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    Personal information of both spouses and the two witnesses (mandatory):

    • Full name
    • ID or passport number
    • Profession / Occupation
    • Marital status (single, divorced, widowed)
    • Exact address
    • Certificate of marital status. If foreign, the document must be notarized and apostilled.
    • Birth certificate. If foreign, the document must be notarized and apostilled.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What are the legal requirements to get married in Costa Rica?

    To get married in Costa Rica, both spouses must be of legal age and present a series of documents, such as a birth certificate, passport or identity card, and a certification of freedom of status of the contracting parties. In addition, it is necessary to have two witnesses of legal age.

    2. How long does the marriage process take in Costa Rica?

    The marriage can be formalized in a matter of hours, as long as all the requirements are met and the necessary documents are submitted. Its registration must be processed by the granting Notary within eight days of the act.

    3. Is it necessary to perform a religious marriage ceremony in Costa Rica?

    No, in Costa Rica Catholic and civil marriage are regulated, both with the same effects. In this sense, it is possible to get married before a Notary Public and two witnesses.

    4. What happens if one of the spouses is a foreigner?

    If one of the contracting parties is a foreigner, the corresponding identification and civil status documents must be presented, duly apostilled, or legalized in their country of origin.

    5. Is it possible to perform a same-sex marriage in Costa Rica?

    Yes, since 2020, Costa Rica became the first Central American country to allow same-sex marriages. Therefore, same-sex couples can enter into civil marriage on the same terms as same-sex couples.