Issuance of share certificates and quotas, including cases of loss.

$150 $170 IVAI

Issuance of share certificates in Public Limited Companies, or quotas in the case of Limited Liability Companies. In the case of LLCs, the Commercial Code does not require them to be issued, unless expressly required by the quota holder.

Estimated Delivery Time

1-2 days. In the case of replacement, one month must elapse from the publication in the official gazette La Gaceta.

Why are Issuance of share certificates and quotas esential?

The share certifiates represent the property of the stock capital which corresponds to each shareholder, therefore, each one must have the same in its possession. In Costa Rica, the ownership of these certificates must also be recorded in the Shareholders' Registry Book, but since these certificates are nominative titles, they can be transferred by endorsement, which must be subsequently recorded in the aforementioned book. On the other hand, quota certificates are optional, and cannot be transferred by endorsement as in the case of shares. Any transfer of quotas, in order to affect third parties, must necessarily be recorded in the company's quotaholders' ledger, or have a date certain, and may also be recorded in the Commercial Registry.

How to obtain new certificates in case of loss?

When a client requires the service of issuance of stock certificates due to loss, or if they have illegally dispossessed of it, or if the title has been damaged in such a way that, although it can be identified, it should not circulate, they can request the company to replace it, as long as the procedure established in the Code of Commerce is followed, which includes three publications in the official newspaper La Gaceta and in a newspaper of national circulation. PredictaBill is in charge of providing this service, ensuring all the legal process required for the issuance of legal and valid certificates that allow the client to maintain its shareholding position in a safe and legal way.

Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures

Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.

  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    Company´s name and ID. Confirm if the certificares were lost or if they had never been issued.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What is a share certificate and what is it used for?

    A share or quota certificate is a legal document that represents the ownership of a portion of a company’s capital stock. It is used to identify and endorse an individual’s participation in the ownership of the company: in the case of shares of a corporation its issuance is mandatory and the certificates represent the capital stock, while in the case of quotas, they can represent the capital stock of a Limited Liability Company without being a binding document.

    2. What should I do if I lose my share certificate?

    If you lose your share certificate, you must notify the company immediately. To issue the new certificate, the formalities set forth by the Commercial Code must be followed, which includes three publications in the official newspaper La Gaceta and a newspaper of national circulation.

    3. How long does it take to issue a new certificate in case of loss?

    The issuance time for a new share or quota certificate may vary depending on the company’s internal procedures and the required documentation. Share certificates can be replaced one month after the last publication of a notice on the matter, which must appear three consecutive times in the official newspaper La Gaceta and one of the newspapers of national circulation, as long as no opposition demand has been communicated to you. However, PredictaBill undertakes to expedite the process and will inform you of the estimated timeframe once you have been notified of the loss.

    4. Are there any additional costs associated with issuing a new certificate in the event of a loss?

    Yes, there may be additional costs associated with the issuance of a new share or quota certificate in the event of a loss. These costs may include fees related to statutory publications. We recommend that you contact PredictaBill for detailed information on the costs involved.

    5. What security measures are taken to protect issued share certificates or quotas?

    PredictaBill takes security measures to protect issued stock or share certificates. These measures may include the use of security paper, authorized signatures, and detailed records of certificate issuance and delivery. In addition, owners are advised to keep their certificates in a safe place and to report any loss or theft immediately.