Preparation of minutes to authorize: (i) increase or decrease of the capital stock; and, (ii) authorize the variation of the issues shared

$300 $339 IVAI

Minutes of shareholders in order to document an increase or decrease in the company’s share capital. Increases are made as part of an increase in the company’s equity or the capitalization of a debt. On the contrary, the decrease is the result of an impact on the assets.

Why is it important to authorize a change of capital stock and the amount of issues shared

These changes are essential for companies that need to adjust and restructure their financial and shareholding structure according to their organizational needs and objectives. Authorizing changes in the capital stock and the number of shares issued provides flexibility to companies to make investments, acquisitions, mergers, or any other type of transaction that requires a modification in their capital structure. In addition, this authorization is necessary to comply with legal and regulatory requirements established in Costa Rica.

How to prepare minutes to authorize changes in the capital stock and the number of issued shares?

When a client requires PredictaBill's services in Costa Rica, specifically for legal products and services, it may need the preparation of a deed to authorize two specific actions: (i) increase or decrease the capital stock of its company; and (ii) vary the amount of shares issued. These actions are fundamental to make changes in the capital structure of a company and to comply with the legal requirements established in the country. PredictaBill will be in charge of preparing the corresponding minutes, ensuring that all legal and formal aspects are properly complied with.

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  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    Confirm for how much the company’s registered capital would be increased and the value and number of shares, interests, or participations to be issued (as applicable depending on the type of entity).

    Confirm the amount by which the company’s registered capital would be reduced.

    Confirm if the certificates of shares, interests, or participations will be issued (as applicable depending on the type of entity).

    Company’s corporate books:

    • Register of Shareholders
    • Minutes of Shareholders’ Meetings
    • Minutes of the Board of Directors

    Certified Public Accountant if applicable.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What are the minutes to authorize the increase or decrease of the capital stock?

    An act to authorize the increase or decrease of the capital stock contains the agreements using which the partners of a company agree to modify the capital stock it owns, either to increase or decrease it.

    2. When is it necessary to make a minute to authorize the variation the amount of issued shares?

    A company may need to modify the number of shares issued to ensure the distribution of shares according to its internal organization; modifying the shares may ensure that the percentage of participation of its shareholders or quota holders reflects the desired reality, since in Costa Rica shares or participations do not have a variable value nor can they be given in ownership in fractions; their holders must be owners of the totality of the share or quota represented in the capital stock.

    3. What are the requirements to execute an act authorizing a variation of the capital stock or number of shares issued?

    To carry out an act of authorization of variation of the capital stock or number of shares issued, it is necessary to hold a general shareholders’ meeting agreeing to such variation; likewise, in cases of capital increases or decreases, the financial support corresponding to the change must be available. In addition, the requirements established by Costa Rican law must be complied with and the procedures established by the Public Registry must be followed for such changes to be registered and enforceable against third parties.

    4. How long does the process of preparing the minutes to authorize the variation of the capital stock or number of shares issued take?

    The time needed to prepare the minutes to authorize the variation of the capital stock or number of shares issued may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the availability of the required documentation. However, PredictaBill is committed to performing this process efficiently and in the shortest time possible, ensuring the quality and legality of the final document.

    5. What is the cost of the services of preparation of minutes to authorize the variation of the capital stock or number of issued shares?

    The cost of the services for the preparation of minutes to authorize the variation of the capital stock or number of shares issued may vary depending on several factors. It is important to take into account that this document must be registered in the Public Registry and the stamps to be paid for this change will vary according to the amount by which the capital is to be increased or decreased. For detailed information on costs, it is advisable to contact PredictaBill directly, who will be able to provide a personalized quote according to the specific needs of each client.