
$200 $226 IVAI

Estimated Delivery Time

3-5 days (depending on the complexity of the act)

Why are Wills important?

Wills are important because they allow a person to express their wishes and decisions about how their assets and property should be distributed after their death. In addition, Wills may also include provisions regarding custody of minor children, the appointment of a legal guardian, and the appointment of a testamentary executor to ensure that the testator's wishes are carried out. In Costa Rica, PredictaBill's service is responsible for providing legal advice and assistance in the drafting and execution of Wills, ensuring that all legal formalities are complied with and that the testator's wishes are respected.

Do you need to make a Will? We've got you covered!

When a client requires PredictaBill's services for the granting of Wills, it is because they are looking for legal advice and support on issues related to the drafting and execution of Wills. PredictaBill specializes in providing legal solutions to ensure that the wishes and wishes of its clients are respected and fulfilled at the time of their death, as wills must comply with certain legal formalities to ensure their enforceability. In addition, PredictaBill offers estate planning services, probate and inheritance advice, as well as the drafting of legal documents necessary to ensure a correct distribution of the client's assets and assets.

Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures

Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.

  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    Confirm testator’s information:

    • Full name
    • ID number
    • Civil status
    • Address

    Confirm executor’s information:

    • Full name
    • ID number
    • Civil status
    • Address

    Confirm alternate executor’s information:

    • Full name
    • ID number
    • Civil status
    • Address

    Confirm the following information on the heirs:

    • Full name
    • ID number
    • Civil status
    • Address

    Describe the assets that will be subject to the will.

    Describe the distribution desired.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What is a Will and why is it important to do so?

    A Will is a legal document that sets out the testator’s will on how a person’s assets and property will be distributed after their death. It is important to execute a Will hand in hand with a legal expert to ensure that the testator’s wishes are respected, to avoid family conflicts or legal disputes that may include the annulment of the Will.

    2. What are the legal requirements to make a Will in Costa Rica?

    To make a Will in Costa Rica, the following requirements must be met: be of legal age, be in full use of your mental faculties, do it voluntarily and without external pressure, and have the advice of a lawyer or Public Notary.

    3. What kind of Wills exist in Costa Rica?

    In Costa Rica, there are two types of Wills: the Open Will and the Closed Will. The Open Will is made before a Public Notary and is read in the presence of witnesses. The Closed Will is made in a sealed envelope and is only opened after the testator’s death.

    4. Can I amend my Will after I have done so?

    Yes, it is possible to amend a Will at any time as long as the testator is in full use of his or her mental faculties. This can be done through a new will that revokes the previous one, or through a codicil, which is a document that modifies or adds provisions to the original will.

    5. What happens if I don’t make a Will?

    If a person dies without having made a will, they are considered to have died intestate. In this case, the law will determine how your assets and property will be distributed, following an order of succession established by Costa Rican law. This can lead to undesired outcomes and disputes between heirs.

    6. Can minors or parents or spouses who are dependent on me be excluded from my Will?

    The testator may freely dispose of his or her property, provided that he or she provides for the maintenance of his or her child until he or she reaches the age of majority if he or she is a minor and for life if the child has a disability that prevents him or her from taking care of himself/herself; In addition, you will need to ensure the support of your parents and your spouse for as long as they need it. If the testator fails to comply with the obligation to provide maintenance, the heir will receive only what is left of the property, after giving the alimony, after the estimation of experts, a sufficient amount to ensure his maintenance.

    7. What happens if my Will is annulled?

    In Costa Rica, Wills are strictly formal documents, and in the event that these formalities are not followed in accordance with the applicable law, such a will may be annulled, in which case, the law will determine how your assets and property will be distributed, following an order of succession established by Costa Rican law. This can lead to undesired outcomes and disputes between heirs. By virtue of this, it is especially important to have competent legal advice for the drafting and granting of Wills.