Annual preparation of the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary in Costa Rica.

$200 $226 IVAI

Preparation of the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary in Costa Rica. Estimated Delivery Time / 1-2 days
Link to upload documents

What is the annual Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary?

All legal entities with Costa Rican legal status; including, corporations, limited liability companies, branches, foreign entities with powers of attorney registered in Costa Rica, etc, must file an annual declaration in the platform administered by the Central Bank of Costa Rica, to report all information necessary to determine and identify who their beneficial owners are, to comply with the obligations established in the "Law to Improve the Fight against Tax Fraud". PredictaBill offers this service to make it easier for its clients to comply with this legal obligation efficiently and securely.

Who can file the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary?

The Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary may be made by persons who: (i) hold a representative position with powers of attorney with unlimited general power of attorney in the entity to be declared; (ii) have a Costa Rican identity card or residency card - DIMEX; and, (iii) must necessarily have a "Digital Signature" (whether this is the special device authorized by the Central Bank). Otherwise, a Special Power of Attorney may be granted to a trustworthy person to make the declaration in the name and on behalf of the entity to be declared.

Why PredictaBill?

Fast and accurate legal procedures

Streamline legal processes by drafting contracts and documents accurately, saving time and avoiding issues.

  • Alternative to hourly billing

    Fixed rate regardless of product/service

    Efficiency in notarial processes

    Save time and effort by more efficiently drafting documents for notarial procedures

    Essential Documents

    • Documentation to support the chain of shares.
    • Digital signature for the company representative.

    Terms and conditions

    The price indicated here has been estimated assuming that the requested document will be delivered in digital format, or that you will pick up the physical version at the PredictaBill offices. Alternatively, you can request that the document be sent to the location you specify, by courier or Costa Rica postal service, in which case the costs and delivery times that will be indicated at the time of processing the payment for the service will apply


    1. What is the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary?

    The Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary is a sworn statement that all entities with Costa Rican legal status must file annually through a certain platform of the Central Bank of Costa Rica.

    2. Who must file the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary?

    All companies registered in Costa Rica, including corporations, limited liability companies, and other legal entities, must file the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary.

    3. What is the deadline for filing the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary?

    The deadline for filing the annual Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary is usually during April of each year; however, this deadline has been subject to extensions in recent years. It is important to comply with this deadline to avoid penalties and fines.

    4. What information must be provided in the Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary?

    In the annual Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary, detailed information must be provided on the beneficial owners of the company, including their name, nationality, identification number, and percentage of participation in the company.

    5. Why is it important to review the information provided in this statement with an attorney?

    This Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary has the same legal validity as an affidavit, therefore, the same sanctions and penalties apply if inaccurate information is provided. The crime of perjury is punishable in Costa Rica with imprisonment. PredictaBill is in charge of gathering and organizing all the necessary documentation, as well as preparing the declaration in a correct and timely manner, ensuring compliance with current legal regulations.

    6. What happens if the annual Declaration for the Registry of Transparency and Final Beneficiary is not filed?

    If an entity fails to submit the declaration within the established deadline, it is exposed to both administrative and economic sanctions. It will not be able to register any document with the National Registry, nor will it be able to obtain certifications of legal status.